Food Revolution since 2006
Sometimes, revolutions are less about evolution and more about getting back to basics.

What I wanted to do with Mad Mexican was to start a revolution in food, what this means is to bring food back to what it was, I want it to share food that was touch with love so,
Jose Hadad
” I was very lucky to spend a lot of time with my grandmother, she was a great cook. When she hosted parties, she started cooking 3 days before so the mole could age properly by the time it was served.
Those memories sparked the idea of Mad Mexican, I thought that my true gift was to bring those Mexican flavors as I knew them and bring fun to my new home, Canada”
Our Revolutionary Team
At Mad Mexican we make our employees feel like they own it.

Dianne Hadad
Director of Operations

Jose Peña
Executive Assistant

Paul Vera
Production Manager

Hussain Modhafar
Sales Manager
64 Crockford Blvd, Scarborough, Ontario, M1R 3C3.
Customer Service
If we did something outstanding or there is an area where we can improve, we want to hear about it!
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